You feel
You never don’t feel
If you could only shut it off for a singular moment held in time
In this huge mess of thoughts and emotions and hurt and pain and uncertainty and
You can’t turn it off
You have fleeting moments of happiness and contentment and you get closer to peace than you ever have been
You’re on the precipice
You thought you had found some semblance of normalcy
You thought you were the closest to okay you would ever be
And then
It came rushing in like a Northern wind
Like a wave in the ocean that looked near harmless but that slammed you down into the murky depths
Like a brick wall that appeared out of almost nowhere
You had a feeling that something was coming but you had no idea what it could be
You had been going along on the straight and narrow
But no matter how much you tried to stay on the path
You find yourself in a gnarled, overgrown forest with weeds and sharp thorns that cut you at every turn and maim you until you can’t recognize yourself anymore
Your mind has done this.
You aren’t Caroline or Bethany or Jason or Tait or Joshua or Allison.
You are your disorder.
You’ve done everything the doctors have said.
You’ve taken the pills
So many different pills
You’ve tried them all
You’ve tried to keep your spirits up
You’ve told youself you’re not treatment resistant
You’ve told yourself that even though nothing seems to be helping that something has to.
You’ve tried the breathing exercises and the meditation.
You even started exercising and you changed your diet.
You started praying and you began talking to God again.
You took your pain and you started creating something beautiful
It may have been a painting of a far off land or a loaf of bread
Or maybe you started reading again and you stayed up all night to finish Middlemarch
Maybe you began to reach out to your friends that you hadn’t seen in months and whose plans you cancelled multiple times
You apologized and you explained that it was the anxiety
That you weren’t in a good place
Even if you had known them for years
It was too much.
You go out
You take a drink
You have some coffee
It goes okay
It doesn’t go well
It goes okay
It doesn’t go well
It doesn’t go well
It goes okay
It goes great
It goes horribly
You pretend to be eighteen, twenty one, twenty five, thirty two, forty instead of your illness
You try not to think about how much it has taken from you at age eighteen, twenty one, twenty five, thirty two, forty
You can’t walk down the street without thinking about it
You punch the wall
You find comfort in food
You find comfort in sleeping pills
You find comfort in staying in bed all day
You find comfort in using other people for your own exploits
You find comfort in the brown liquor that gives you enough courage to turn off your own thoughts for a few hours
because it’s better than the knife against your skin or the razor blade against your knuckles
You start to feel the prick at the back of your neck
The hitch in your breath
The doom
The dread
The paranoia
The discomfort
The thoughts that don’t seem your own
The emotions that come out of nowhere
You can’t eat
You can’t sleep
Your mind is failing you
Your mind is turning against you
Telling you
You will never
You will never be successful
You will never live a normal life
You will never be free from this prison
You will never be more than your disorder.
You lose it
“It” could be your mind
It could be your confidence
It could be your strength
It could be your ability to cope like you had been able to before.
You have no idea how you’re going to do it
How can you live a life where you can’t even be in control of your own mind?
You live it one day at a time and one breath at a time and you realize
How scary the world and people can be
But you also realize how beautiful and vulnerable and colorful the universe is and how it opens itself up to those us of that walk it everyday
And even though sometimes you want to die
Sometimes you want to leave it
Sometimes you can’t do it anymore
Or most times, you can’t do it anymore
There are times when you can
And those outweigh anything else.
The leaves rustling in the trees outweighs anything else.
That text from your best friend outweighs anything else.
The hug from your parents outweighs anything else.
The worn pages of your favorite book outweighs anything else.
Sometimes, these are enough.
And you begin to realize that even though you may go Down
Into a place that seems like there’s absolutely no escape
That’s so dark, you can’t imagine how anyone could see you or help you, let alone how you could help yourself.
There is always hope
And even in the darkest of places,
One must only turn on the light
And even though life has hardened you
Or maybe it's done the opposite
Maybe it’s made you more vulnerable
Either way…
You’re much stronger than you could ever, ever know and
A setback isn’t a relapse, no matter how bad it may seem
Dust off yourself and get back up.
Even if you fall down and it takes you weeks or months or years to try again
You will try again.
You will feel the colors of the world blindingly
You will feel the warmth of holding the hand of the one you love
And just because you are different
Just because you have a “disorder”
You are not your disorder—no matter how many days in the year it tries to tell you this.
You are Caroline, or Bethany, or Jason, or Tait, or Joshua or Allison and you are invincible.